Defence Barrister for Teachers

If you are a teacher, facing allegations of misconduct can be devastating. In an instant, you may have lost the hard-earned reputation you have spent years building. I can assist professionals in navigating both disciplinary hearings and the criminal justice process. From the moment you get in contact, I will begin building a strategic defence strategy to protect your reputation.

Allegations of sexual misconduct between teachers and pupils can create a media storm and public outrage. However, you deserve to have your case accurately represented, and your voice heard. To discuss the circumstances of your case in strictest confidence, call me today on 0800 054 1170 or complete my online enquiry form, and I will get back to you without delay.

Defending Education Professionals

I can help professionals in the education sector, even in the most challenging of circumstances. I listen to clients, advise them fully and work in partnership to achieve the best defence.  Listed below are some of my relevant cases:

K: (2016)

In this case, I acted on behalf of a university professor who was accused of several historic rapes. My client was charged with raping his younger sisters from when he was a teenager through to adulthood. There were complex disclosure issues and submissions on the admissibility of evidence. My client was acquitted on all counts.

RE: (2016)

I defended a mentor and private tutor who was accused of sexually abusing children in his care. In this case, extensive defence preparation was vital to securing a successful outcome for my client. I elicited disclosure which destroyed the evidence of one complainant and significantly harmed the evidence of the others.

Protecting Your Liberty & Reputation

Allegations made against teachers are common and can have grave consequences. As a result of your profession, you are subject to additional scrutiny from regulators, public bodies and the media. You need the best possible legal advice and representation to ensure the best possible outcome. Your liberty is at risk. I can protect you.

Even when you have been acquitted of all charges, the accusations made against you as a teacher can follow you for years. I act quickly to control the media presentation of your case and obtain a swift resolution where possible. My approach to casework means working hard for you at the earliest stages to mitigate any reputational damage.

Contact Mark Kelly KC, Defence Barrister for Teachers

If you are a teacher that has been accused of misconduct, including sexual offenceshistoric sex abusefraud or drugs offences, get in contact with me right away. I am skilled in providing strategic defence and representation at every stage. There is no time to delay, call me now on 0800 054 1170 or complete the online enquiry form, and I will get back to you without delay.

Why Choose KC Crime Lawyer?

  • Highly Successful Defence Barrister
  • Defend Your Hard Earned Reputation
  • Protect Your Good Character, Your Family and Your Profession
  • Strategic, Tactical & Collaborative Approach
  • Successful Outcomes
  • Robust Defence
  • Professional Representation
  • Maximise Opportunity

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