Worried About Being Charged or Arrested?

If you are worried about being arrested or charged, you must seek legal advice as soon as possible. I can help.

Getting the advice of a lawyer before you have been arrested or charged can not only help put your mind at ease but prepare you for what might come next. My specialist approach to casework means that the earlier you get in touch with me, the better chance you have for a successful outcome. I can help protect your liberty, reputation and your assets where relevant.

Get in touch now to discuss your specific circumstances. You can call me at any time on 0800 054 1170 or complete my online enquiry form, and I will get back to you without delay.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

Although you may not yet have been arrested or charged with a crime, if you are under investigation or suspect that you may be arrested or charged, you should instruct a lawyer to discuss your situation. Our discussions are privileged, which means anything you say may not be communicated to police or investigators. You can discuss your circumstances and concerns with me in detail, and I can advise on the best way to proceed. If you engage me at this stage, I will devise a strategy to ensure that if you are arrested or charged with an offence, your case has the best chance of a successful outcome.

Also, your reputation is one of your most valuable assets, and I can help with taking measures to protect it. I understand how stressful this time may be for you, so I do everything I can to make sure you are protected.

What Can I Help With?

I have broad experience in many areas of serious crime, regulatory offences and professional representation. I am a specialist defence barrister called to the bar in 1985. I have more than 30 years of experience in expert criminal and regulatory defence. I have extensive experience in both UK and international work. I can help you with:

Why Contact Mark Kelly before Being Arrested or Charged?

There are several reasons to contact me before being arrested or charged, but it mainly comes down to my strategic approach to casework and giving yourself the best chance of success.

  • Highly Successful Defence Barrister – I have an excellent track record of providing results for my clients because I start building their defence strategy as soon as they contact me.

  • Defend Your Hard-Earned Reputation – The sooner you get in touch, the greater control we have over your reputation.

  • Protect Your Good Character, Your Family and Your Profession – Being charged or arrested can have a devastating impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones. Take early action.

  • Strategic, Tactical & Collaborative Approach – I have a unique and strategic approach to casework. I take on fewer clients specifically so that I can offer a service which provides added value. My aim is to ensure that my clients benefit from a comprehensive strategy from the outset. Frontloading my input on a case enables me to provide maximum value to my clients and as a result, enhance the possibility of achieving successful outcomes. I believe in being hands-on.

  • Professional Representation – I defend professionals when conviction carries with it the prospect of imprisonment, but would also destroy a lifetime of work, and destroy their hard-earned reputation. Professional serious offences may also undermine relationships with friends and family, but I can help.

Police Station Interviews

If you are arrested, you have the right to contact a lawyer before being interviewed by the police. If you instruct me before your arrest, I can prepare you adequately for what might happen. You can also contact me at any time as your lawyer. On sexual offences cases, I work closely with sexual offences solicitor Stuart Sutton, who has extensive experience in handling such cases. We work together to ensure that from the earliest stages, you are prepared. Your defence begins as soon as you get in contact with me.

Corporate Fraud Investigations

When it comes to corporate fraud, there are several options open to you before you are formally charged or arrested. I can advise you fully on your position, including whether self-reporting to the relevant authorities is a good option for you. This area of law is incredibly complex, and the sooner you instruct a specialist to work with you, the more options that are available to you. In fraud defence cases I work closely with Mandip Kumar of Precedence Law. He has a fearsome reputation – he is tenacious, innovative and highly motivated. He is a man of integrity who works tirelessly in the best interests of his clients. He is often instructed in the most challenging and demanding cases because he is willing and able to take on a challenge.

Worried About Being Arrested or Charged? Call Me Today. Mark Kelly KC, Defence Barrister in London, UK

I serve Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, London, Bristol and the rest of the UK. I can assist with all aspects of drug-related cases, sexual offences, fraud, money laundering, serious motoring offences and regulatory offences. I can provide detailed legal advice and guidance and also offer high-quality representation, including at the Crown Court. I have a significant track record of success over the years in defending clients charged with a broad range of offences.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly on 0800 054 1170 or fill out a contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why Choose KC Crime Lawyer?

  • Highly Successful Defence Barrister
  • Defend Your Hard Earned Reputation
  • Protect Your Good Character, Your Family and Your Profession
  • Strategic, Tactical & Collaborative Approach
  • Successful Outcomes
  • Robust Defence
  • Professional Representation
  • Maximise Opportunity

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